Guest post: The Right has fought us every step of the way

Originally a comment by Rev David Brindley on Backing the bullies.

@C… – tell me you’re a RWNJ without telling me you’re a RWNJ.

Is it red or blue states in the USA banning books? Interfering with elections? Purging voter rolls on spurious grounds?

Which nation has greater freedom of speech – UK or Turkey?

Which nation treats its citizens more equally – France or Iran?

Which nation is more likely to invade a neighbor – Russia or Germany?

Almost every advance in human rights has come about by the hard work and unrelenting focus on our shared humanity by those on the Left. The Right has fought us every step of the way, gassed us, bashed us, murdered us, simply for believing we can create a better world. And we did.

And I for one am not prepared to stand by while you cheer on Musk, Trump, et al who will grab everything for themselves and leave you with nothing but rags and a sense of shame that you could be so stupid as to fall for their grift. And then, when you are cold, tired, and hungry, it won’t be a Billionaire who bathes your wounds and brings you sustenance; it will be one of us, on the Left, that you so despise.

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