Guest post: The reaction is starting to manifest

Originally a comment by Artymorty on While Tatchell rages.

The left walked right into this, and they’re so entrenched, we’re seeing a mass exodus to the right among the very youngest cohort of voters and young adults.

There seems to have been a delay of a few years between cause and effect, when the left went all-in on radical gender ideology, and the reaction among the electorate to it.

Well, it’s been a few years, the reaction is starting to manifest among the masses, and I fear the left is about to discover that it’s a MASSIVE rejection, and it will all be too little, too late for them.

And it breaks my heart, becuase there are global, universal, grand matters that the right are woefully short-sighted about. And in general, I just can’t bring myself to shift to the right. Trump and that madness aside, there are fundamental ideological views, and even personality traits, that are preferred by the right over the left, that I just absolutely find to be less informed, less balanced, less agreeable, than those on the left — or at least the left of my principles, if not at all the mess of the real-world left, with its witch-hunts and its pronoun madness…

Strange and scary times…

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