Guest post: Stuck in presentism

Originally a comment by Sonderval on Activists shocked to learn of other views.

Well duh, what would you expect it to reflect? Your views?

Yes, people probably expect exactly that because they think that different from all people in the past, their current moral and ethical values are the endpoint of ethics evolution. It is totally inconceivable to most people that some things we today take for granted may be viewed as horribly wrong in the future. Even if you point out that people 200 years ago thought the same thing, they still do not see the relativity of the situation.

Furthermore, they also do not see how they stand on the shoulders of past people to actually arrive at their moral values. They all assume that, had they lived 300 years ago, of course they would have been horrified at cat burnings or public executions. Ask any scientist and they will most probably tell you that back in the days of Galilei, of course they would have immediately been convinced by the arguments that earth moved around the sun. (Many of the same scientists will also tell you how “sex is binary” is of course wrong….)

Almost no-one tends to ask the question “Which practice that is common today will horrify people 200 years from now?” or “Why, if I had lived in the past, do I believe that I would still have my modern values despite the fact that they agree with and were formed by the world around me?” The closest they may come to this is talking about “the right side of history” and assuming that in the future, all of their values will be seen as the correct ones.

But actually thinking about the fact that all of us are probably doing something that “the right side of history” will view as wrong is rarely done.

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