Guest post: Sex denial and female erasure from both directions

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on There are no women.

I looked at that Facebook page. I get the feeling the motivation is not making menstrual products available but doing the whole “never mention women” thing. An opportunity to conspicuously erase women!

The more I looked at it, the more I thought the same. As far as I went (which, granted wasn’t that far, as there’s only so much delusion and dishonesty I can stomach), it was all sex denial and female erasure from both directions. The “Equity” in the Period Equity Project seems to come from their belief that anyone can have one:

Menstrual hygiene is a human right and refers to the practices and environmental factors necessary for people to manage their menstruation safely and maintain good health with dignity.

Did you know 1 in 6 Canadians* who menstruate report experiencing period poverty (i.e., lack of access to menstrual products, proper education, hygiene facilities, waste management, or a combination, because of financial limitations and/or harmful social norms and attitudes surrounding menstruation)?


3. Menstruation is a natural process, and everyone deserves to manage it with dignity and respect. By advocating for menstrual hygiene, we advocate for gender equity and challenge harmful social norms and taboos surrounding menstruation.

But you believe that the fact that only females menstruate is one of those “harmful social norms and taboos”, so you’re not really helping with that part at all, given that you’re willing to erase and stigmatize half the population (i.e. women, i.e., the only sex capable of menstruating at all) in order to “centre” and appease a tiny percentage of women who mistakenly think they’re men, and a tiny percentage of men who mistakenly think they’re women.

A shared post from “Trans Army” shows a graphic of an apparently female figure (but as this figure is in front of a background of Trans Pink & Blue, it might be meant to be a TiM) with the slogan “You don’t have to menstruate to be a woman” (which is something that sex realists have never claimed). It is introduced on the PEP Facebook page with a post with the Yin to this Yang: “Nor do you have to be a woman to menstruate.” Women are only mentioned in order to be dismissed and denied. Very dignity. Much unshameful.

Another post they shared had a screen cap of somene writing “Men don’t use menstrual products” along with the response that “This one does!” A helpful soul by the name of Stevie Bees chiming in with the cheerily dehumanizing “Men and non-binary bleeders are valid! ”

Replies to both are uniformly deluded and denialist. Here’s one of them:

This is such a hard thing. Periods are so heavily associated with being “women” and the “female experience,” and we’ve had to and still have to fight so hard to keep “men” the hell out of the conversation about our bodies, but anybody having a period absolutely does belong. Anybody with a uterus is valid in the discussion and deserves to be considered just as strongly as anybody else. I want to do right and never EVER want to contribute to anybody’s dysphoria. I’m not a bathroom Nazi and want everyone to be able to pee in peace. I just don’t know how to put everything together, and I’m really grateful when someone with better ideas or understanding than me speaks up.

One of the posts advertising the “Fill the Truck” event on the Fairy Godparents FB page tells people to “Bring your kids from 11am-12pm to meet some special guests with a special truck!!!” Yreah, let’s completely screw up and distort their understanding of the human sexes. Let’s make girls ashamed of both being female, and knowing what being female actually is. To quote some weightlifters, “No thank you.”

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