Guest post: Scientific fact AND philosophical belief

Originally a comment by Dave Ricks on These rococo claims.

Maya Forstater won her landmark employment case in the UK Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) on Thursday, June 10, 2021. The UK EAT is a high court, so she won a binding precedent for lower court cases (e.g. in the more recent case of Elizabeth Pitt that the FSU reported above).

Later that day, Freddie Sayers interviewed Maya about her case, and Ophelia posted the interview video here. In my comment #6 there, I transcribed part of the video, where Maya explained that her legal position had two parts to be taken together:

(1) The scientific FACT that “sex is real” — as her shorthand for “binary, immutable”, and “a scientific fact”.

(2) Her philosophical BELIEF that “sex matters” — as her shorthand for “it’s a social and political, and economic, salient, important thing.”

In my comments on my transcript, I noted my relief that her legal position did not claim the fact of sex to be a belief. My transcript is a good reference to read her explain this more.

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