Guest post: Invasion of the Critical-Thinking Snatchers

Originally a comment by Artymorty on There’s a sucker born every minute.

I’ve never in my life heard of anyone paying for a life coach’s services, and that’s puzzled me more and more; I seem to come across a self-declared life coach online at least once a week. Who the hell are they coaching?

Now I have my answer: like Amway salesmen, life coaches are their own target demographic. The only people gullible enough to buy it are the people gullible enough to get roped into selling it.

It feels like everything is a pyramid scheme these days. In the information-overload/hypertechnology age, we’re all feeling lost at sea and searching for safe harbour. In this environment, people everywhere are throwing themselves behind dubious “life changing” schemes. When you look at it that way, getting into “life coaching” isn’t all that different from getting into gender ideology.

I would say the same about Bitcoin, or NFTs. They’re pyramid schemes that sell the promise of life improvement through investment in junk products.

I happen to believe Canada’s entire economy has become swept up in one such pyramid scheme, a craze that promises to change everyone’s lives but which is centred around junk products: the real estate speculation bubble. Countless Canadians have redirected their savings into investing in the condo craze. Many people have even quit their jobs to become full-time real estate speculators. Prices have ballooned far above anything remotely rational, and now the entire country is deep in debt, trying (and failing) to keep up with their preposterous mortgage payments. Millions of Canadians now depend on food banks; there’s a national boycott of our chief grocer (resentment at sky-high grocery prices is a side-effect of people finding they don’t have enough money to eat after the rent/mortgage bill comes out); there’s a catastrophic spike in homelessness; international students and recent immigrants are turning around and leaving; storefronts are shuttering. No one can afford any discretionary spending, leading to mass layoffs in the service sector, leading to a cascade of job losses throughout the economy. All because of the get-rich-quick condo investment pyramid scheme. The true believers are adamant that the problem is simply a temporary increase in interest rates, but the true problem is the principal on these home loans, not the interest: everybody’s real estate valuations need to be cut in half, coast to coast, to make life liveable again in this country. There is in fact more for-rent housing and more for-sale housing on the market right now than there has been in decades, so the problem is certainly not supply. The problem is that the prices are too high for anyone to afford, and the normal machinations of supply and demand haven’t yet succeeded in bringing the prices back down to earth, because everyone — including policymakers in the federal government — is desperate to put off the inevitable reckoning with reality.

It feels like I’m living in a bizarre dream where everyone around me has succumbed to some cult or other. It’s Invasion of the Critical-Thinking Snatchers, and the few of us un-snatched remainers are laying low, just trying to hold on until something comes along to save us all.

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