Guest post: How far the institutional capture has come

Originally a comment by Sonderval on DSDs are not halfway houses “between” the two sexes.

And of course, there is the usual mistake of equating “is on a spectrum” with “is difficult to determine”/”can be assigned at will”. A spectrum is a spectrum exactly because points on it can be determined uniquely and objectively. (Monochromatic) colors lie on a spectrum because each wavelength (which can be determined exactly) causes a different stimulation of the three color-perceiving cone cell types we have. So if sex were a spectrum, this would imply that there is an objective way of determining it. Yes people with DSD exist, but this still does not and cannot imply that a man can be a woman, in the same way that the existence of colors like purple does not mean that red is blue.

The fact that the Lancet repeats the standard phrase “exists on a spectrum” without even thinking what that means just shows how far the institutional capture has come and how quickly supposedly critical scientists stop thinking critically if it suits their ideological needs.

To me as a scientist and science communicator, this is one of the saddest things of this whole debate: How quickly scientists stop thinking critically and repeat the dogma without thinking – because they really convinced themselves, because they think that this is the kind thing to do and kindness has to trump truth, because they do not really think about these things or perhaps even out of fear of being shunned.

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