Guest post: Fundamentally unfit for public office

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Biden exercised his parole authority.

What’s not to like about a greedy, self-serving, self-centered, misogynistic, racist, thin-skinned, shallow-minded, easily-played, abusive, boorish, ignorant, hubristically over-confident, braggadocios, felonious, dishonest, twice-impeached, dayglow-orange, Dunning-Krueger poster-boy, and aspiring dictator? Why should anyone have second thoughts about handing over the Presidency of the United States to such a man for a second time? The United States is just lucky that his desire to remain in office unconstitutionally at the end of his term, and the amplification of that desire by his deluded supporters, was exceeded by their collective stupidity. There may not be such luck if it comes to a second round if those around him have learned from the mistakes of the first attempted coup.

Seriously, “dislike” has very little to do with it. It’s not just that he’s “uncouth” or that he “rubs me the wrong way.” He doesn’t just flout norms, and “tell it like it is.” He is fundamentally unfit for public office, and manifests multiple traits that run counter to the continued survival of the political foundations of the country he seeks to take control of. He’s a menace to the Constitution, being both ignorant of its provisions, and contemptuous of the limitations it places upon the power he craves. These character traits of his were obvious for years befor he ran for office, and in any other candidate, would have instantly destroyed their political career. That Trump managed to be win power despite them demonstrates a fightening support for dictatorship amongst his supporters, and shows that the United States is in deep trouble. They can’t see, or accept the fact that the desire to hurt their putative enemies comes at the price of self-immolation. Trump is a wrecking ball. The only thing that matters to Trump is Trump, and if retaining his throne and crown means the destruction of the Republic, that’s a price he’s willing to let others pay. But don’t send him the bill; he’ll stiff you.

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