Guest post: Everything she’s worked for her whole life

Originally a comment by Sastra on Their primary duty is to ensure that somebody does not die.

A woman athlete who walks out has possibly just lost everything she’s worked for her whole life— her match, her eligibility, her standing, her reputation, and at least some of her friends. A group of women walking out simultaneously might manage to make a majority, but there will always be true believers and upcomers to step into their places on the team. Remember that the moral melodrama being trumpeted high and low is that transwomen are in the same position black athletes once were. You boycott, you take on the role of someone skipping class so they don’t have to sit next to a colored.

This battle can’t be fought by an easy solution like a walkout unless the scale is massive and the numbers close to unanimous— and even then they need the science. The organizers have to change.

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