Get them while they’re autistic

Take deep breaths before reading.

Autism school signed up to LGBT charter pushing ‘pseudoscientific’ trans ideology

The commas are in the wrong place. Headline should be:

Autism “school” signed up to “LGBT” charter pushing pseudoscientific trans ideology

A school for severely autistic children has signed up to a controversial LGBT charter pushing “pseudoscientific” transgender ideology.

Experts accused Kaimes School in Edinburgh, which takes children from age five, of “breathtaking” recklessness over how it teaches concepts of biological sex and gender to vulnerable pupils.

The pupils are vulnerable specifically in the sense that autistic children don’t do skepticism. They’re sitting ducks.

Studies suggest “transgender and gender-diverse individuals” are up to six times more likely to be autistic, as reported in the Cass Review. Documents show that Kaimes School has overhauled its curriculum to become “trans inclusive” in a bid to win “charter status” from activist charity LGBT Youth Scotland (LGBTYS).

There shouldn’t even be such a charity, because the T is not the same thing, and mashing them together is nothing but a ploy to sneak the T in without due diligence.

Messages on school notice boards dedicated exclusively to LGBT issues tell pupils to “come out for LGBT”. Other slogans include: “LGBT+ matters, be a part of us”. Statements such as “trans women are real women” have also been put on display.

It seems dubious for a school for severely autistic children to put any political messages on school notice boards, because surely severe autism plus childhood means they’re not equipped to evaluate them for themselves. Am I wrong?

Reading materials in the school include a book titled Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl? written by the trans activists Sarah Fisher and Fox Fisher and endorsed by LGBTYS and Stonewall.

Carolyn Brown, a retired former educational psychologist who helped the Scottish Government draw up a national autism strategy, described the approach taken by the school as grossly irresponsible.

“This is the opposite of what a specialist school in autism should be doing,” she said. “These youngsters will interpret things very literally and see the world in black and white.”

That’s what I was thinking, so ok, I’ll conclude I’m not wrong. The more literal-minded the children are, the less the school should be indoctrinating them, especially in the bullshit of Magic Gender.

“You would expect schools, especially ones that specialise in autism, to respond very cautiously and with great care in this area. Instead, youngsters are being fed pseudoscience, presented as fact, and so are the staff. It is shocking and breathtaking.”

While experts say they do not yet understand the link between autism and gender distress, materials produced by Kaimes School suggest it is explained as autistic people are “willing to examine social constructs”. It cites its source as an American YouTuber.

I apologize for my people and their YouTubers.

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