From urologist to gender surgeon

Yes but what is “his work”?

I’m not gonna try and write a children’s book tomorrow. I rather wish she’d stick out of what I do, and not comment on stuff that she doesn’t know much about either.

Like mutilating people’s genitals?

This guy started out as a urologist and switched to “gender surgery” when it became the next big thing. He’s not a scholar of gender, he’s a surgeon. He knows how to perform surgery but that doesn’t mean he knows anything about whether it’s a brilliant idea to alter people’s genitalia to make them look more like the other sex. Since he has a financial incentive not to look deeply into that question, it’s rather the opposite.

He has a website snappily titled GenderXchange. Good pun, yeah?

James Bellringer qualified in 1982 from Cambridge and St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. After training in Urology, he started as a General Urologist in West London in 1996, but when Mr. Michael Royle retired, he was invited to come and take over the Gender Surgery service, at Charing Cross Hospital, London. After initial training with Mr. Royle in 2000, he has been working in gender surgery ever since, and with the increase in the gender workload, this has become his primary interest. An irretrievable breakdown with Trust management in 2014 led him to resign from Charing Cross, and he now works privately at Parkside Hospital.

Gee I wonder what caused the irretrievable breakdown with Trust management.

On other pages he provides details about his work. I don’t feel like quoting those.

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