From a very great height

Who is this idiot and how does she get anyone to publish her idiotic drivel?

[Imane] Khelif’s crime – in the eyes and relentless social media feeds of the “let us tell you how women should look, act, reproduce, breathe and exist on this earth” brigade – lies in choosing not to portray herself as an aspirational Sports Illustrated swimsuit model when her job as a professional athlete is, literally, to punch other people in the face.

Could not be more wrong.

The reality is that it’s Imane Khelif and his enablers who are shitting on every single female athlete at the Olympics. Yes, Khelif is a boxer, and his job at the Olympics is to box, but it’s not to box with women. If you can’t make your case without stupid blatant lies then your case must not be much good.

There’s an online community of “transvestigators” who spend their days with Adobe Photoshop filters and an alarmingly fragile sense of personal identity determining every prominent woman who takes her work seriously must secretly be a man, lest the confections of gender that they cling to collapse in the face of, um, concrete evidence to the contrary.

Liar. It’s the other way around. It’s the people who pretend men can be women who are relentlessly stealing women’s achievements and handing them over to men. People like you, you trendy dishonest rat.

Don’t be fooled by their rhetoric into thinking that Khelif terrifies because of her height or strength. It’s taking the sport of boxing seriously enough to pop her opponent’s nose rather than flailing about like a hapless doily in a boxer costume that’s the issue.

Oh dear god – can it get any more disgusting? She’s rejoicing in the fact that Khelif hit a woman’s nose so hard that she withdrew from the match for her own safety. He didn’t “pop her” in the nose, he punched her in the nose with the force of a man, because he’s a man.

Beneath contempt. Her name is Van Badham, in case you want to avoid her in future.

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