Free & Equal unless you’re a woman
The UN coughs up a hairball onto women again.
Oh look! There are the women with missing lower legs again, complete with weird antiquated Captain Hookish prosthetic replacements. Corporate Memphis Pegleg.
Anyway. The real issue is here is the UN again telling us that men can be women, i.e. men can push women aside and take over everything. I tried to find a parallel Gay Men Day but was unable to. UN Free & Equal doesn’t try to force gay men to be incloosive of women but it does try to force lesbians to be incloosive of men. Why’s that then? I suppose it’s because the UN considers women inferior and subordinate.
None of the lesbians I know personally are represented in those characterizations, and I know more than a few.
Up your diversity, UN.
Yes, it’s interesting how diversity is inserted in, or overlaid, on the stereotype. Everyone’s young and thin except when they’re not, which is to say, when they possess the one characteristic necessary to illustrate an approved type of diversity. And, yes, I know the problem is inherent in the task of reducing reality to a set of referential symbols but then maybe that’s the problem. If you think in symbols and classes you end up with stereotypes.
(Also, Corporate Memphis Pegleg! Makes me want to start a band so that can be its name.)
Im guessing the giant lesbian in the light blue mankini is one of those male lesbians.