Flawed but vital self-obsession

Guardian headline:

Will Ferrell’s Netflix doc Will & Harper is flawed but vital viewing for cis people

Vital? I really doubt that. It’s not as if we don’t get lectured on the subject enough already.

Let’s admit it: cisgender people are really curious about us trans women.

Ok stop right there. First sentence and already you’re off the rails. No, we really really aren’t. We’ve heard way more than we want to about trans women. I can’t begin to express how much more we’ve heard than we ever wanted to. The only thing we can be described as “curious” about is where the hell do you get the nerve?

They want to know things such as: what’s it like to have a surgeon rearrange your genitals? How did you know you were really a girl all along? Does it suck having to be on the downside of sexism now?

Nope. I don’t. I really really don’t. I promise you. I’m not interested. You talk and talk and talk and talk about yourselves day in and day out and we are not curious about you. I for one think you desperately need to shut up about yourselves and think about other people for a change. Being trans has turned out to be a wildly effective excuse to be publicly self-obsessed all day every single day.

For our own part, trans women are curious about cisgender folk, too. We want to know things like: do you actually think I’m female, or am I just a deluded guy in a dress to you?

That’s hilarious. He’s actually reproduced, without noticing he’s doing it, the jokey catchphrase: “Enough about me, let’s talk about what you think about me.”

Skipping several boring paragraphs –

It’s extremely hard to survive a transition with your dignity intact, in large part because very few people stop to consider that a man trying to transform into a woman is in such an infinitely more disempowered position than they are.

It’s a good thing very few people stop to consider that, because it’s horseshit. No you’re not. You’re a man. The fact that you’re hell-bent on making a fool of yourself is your choice, so if that “disempowers” you because people now know you’re a fool, that’s your own work. You’re still a man; you still have that power.

It’s uniquely vulnerable, to feminize your appearance and your personality, and to put yourself out there for the world’s approval.

Try being a woman surrounded by a group of drunk men.

You are doing the one thing that – for your whole life – you have been absolutely screamed at to never, ever do. You are going against every last survival instinct you have, because it’s the only way.

Try being a woman surrounded by a group of drunk men.

He just has no clue, does he.

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