Fist v keyboard

Multiple tiers. Joan Smith writes:

A childminder is facing a prison sentence for threatening asylum seekers in a social media post. Lucy Connolly, 41, who pleaded guilty to stirring up racial hatred, has been remanded in custody and told to expect a “substantial custodial sentence” when she next appears in court.

“Mass deportation now, set fire to all the fucking hotels full of the bastards for all I care […] if that makes me racist, so be it,” she wrote.

A horrible thing to say, no question, but she deleted it and apologized – Joan says “quickly” but we don’t know if that means in seconds or minutes or hours.

On the other hand, violent assault is not ambiguous.

[A] man called Muhammad Hassan, who had previously abused three Asian women because he didn’t like how they were dressed, appeared in court last week. Hassan was charged with assaulting the women when they stopped for petrol at a service station in Bradford. He berated them as “prostitutes”, seizing the driver’s head and slamming it into the dashboard. Then he grabbed the second woman and punched her in the head, before hitting the third woman as well.

He couldn’t delete that, now could he. The women he punched could not delete it either. But he hasn’t been threatened with any substantial custodial sentence.

The attacks were described by the judge as “an extremely abusive, controlling and violent incident”. But Hassan didn’t end up in prison. He was sentenced to six months, suspended for two years…[H]e is merely required to do 180 hours of unpaid work and wear an electronic tag for four months, while his victims live in fear of running into him again.

Heads men win, tails women lose. Again.

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