Extreme extremism is extremist

The BBC is just a tiny bit evasive as it reports on misogyny and “extremism”…

Extreme misogyny will be treated as a form of extremism under new government plans, the Home Office has said.

Tautology, dear BBC. Extremism will be treated as a form of extremism.

Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, has ordered a review of the UK’s counter-extremism strategy to determine how best to tackle threats posed by harmful ideologies. The analysis will look at hatred of women as one of the ideological trends that the government says is gaining traction. Ms Cooper said there has been a rise in extremism “both online and on our streets” that “frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy”.

It’s still not clear how “extremism” is being defined.

The review will look at the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism in the UK, as well as wider ideological trends, including extreme misogyny or beliefs which fit into broader categories, such as violence.

Is the issue Islamist “extremism” or Islamist misogyny? Bundling everything into “extremism” just makes it all a soup, with no clarity about the ingredients.

This is also not the first time the government has considered misogyny as a form of extremism. For some years there has been concernĀ around “Incel culture”, an online movement of mainly young men who describe themselves as “involuntarily celibate” and blame women and “alpha males” for their problems.

There is, of course, no mention of the misogyny of trans ideology.

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