Even now

Sandy Brindley needs to gtfo.

The head of Scotland’s leading sexual assault support service is facing growing demands to stand down amid the fallout of a damning report into the running of a centre in Edinburgh.

Mridul Wadhwa, a trans woman, resigned as chief executive of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre after an independent review commissioned by Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS) concluded that she had failed to behave professionally while in charge of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC).

A number of women’s groups have joined the Harry Potter author JK Rowling in now calling for the head of RCS, Sandy Brindley, to resign as well.

Why? Because she carries on as if men who pretend to be women 1. are women and 2. matter more than women.

Clare Blom, of the grassroots campaign group Women Won’t Wheesht, said: “It is unforgivable that, even now, she is unwilling to be accountable for her own conduct, or the conduct of others she enabled by her lack of judgment.

“The women of Scotland need and deserve better and she should do the right thing and resign to allow someone to take over who is willing and able to prioritise vulnerable women over the desires of entitled men.”

Instead of the other way around, which is, unbelievably, what she’s been doing.

On Sunday Brindley was attacked by Rowling after being accused of canvassing sexual assault survivors for testimonials in a bid to save her job.

“Attacked” is the wrong word in this context – a context in which women are constantly called foul names for defending women’s rights. Rowling didn’t punch Brindley in the face.

Brindley had told the Sunday Mail she had no knowledge of calls for her to quit and has been backed by some survivors.

But Rowling wrote on X: “Asking rape survivors to get you out of massive self-inflicted PR problem is unfortunately right on brand for the head of Rape Crisis Scotland.

“What are these women there for if not to protect the careers of those running the service?”

Won’t somebody please think of the brindleys?

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