Ed Miliband says ignore women

No, he doesn’t say that.

What he says is even worse.

“We’ve really got to stand up for the rights of trans people, yes we’ve got to hear those women who say that there’s a case for single sex spaces, I understand that, but, I do think that we’ve got to empathize and recognize the pain that so many people, so many trans people face and treat them with the respect that they deserve.”

The whole bit between the “yes” and the “but” is rushed and gabbled, while everything after that is slowed and said with great emphasis. It’s very very very clear that the “yes yes women blah blah” bit is a contemptuous hostile yesyesIknowallthat, the only function of which is to lead up to the but.

It couldn’t be more clear or more insulting.

Updating to add: Video credit: @Jonnywsbell

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