Define “basic humanity”

Frustrating. I can’t find the source of the quoted passage, Google says it’s never heard of it, SEEN hasn’t so far answered my question. There’s an answer but I haven’t been able to find it yet.

Meanwhile – somebody said this:

“It can make them feel unsafe and unwelcome in an industry where I don’t think that’s the case. There’s a very small minority that speaks loudly about these topics, but largely it isn’t reflective of a wider view of people in publishing.”

I want to know more about this because I want to know who thinks recognizing the material reality of sex translates to calling into question the basic humanity of certain groups. I want to know who thinks that and I want to argue with that person about it. I want to grab this endless emotional blackmail by the throat and shake it until it promises to stop. Knowing a man is a man is not repeat not repeat NOT the same thing as denying the basic humanity of the man in question.

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