Crucial to understanding
Some reactions.
This is outrageous over reach by the BBC. Being clear that a ‘transwomans’ sex is male is crucial to understanding why women are concerned about trans inclusion in female sport. This is fact not opinion.
— FairPlayForWomen (@fairplaywomen) February 29, 2024
Women’s rights clash with trans rights because the sex of a transwoman is male. That’s what it’s all about. If the BBC doesn’t allow this to be spoken then women get excluded from the conversation. That’s the opposite of impartiality.
— FairPlayForWomen (@fairplaywomen) February 29, 2024
Unreasonable, even unreasoned outcome. "Male/female" are, across species, scientific and specific terms. We don't have women sparrows, we do have female sparrows. So TW are male *by definition* @JustinOnWeb is traduced with this decision.
— Jon Pike (@runthinkwrite) February 29, 2024
Are you still inclined to give @bbc the benefit of the doubt?
The only way to be a transwoman is to be male.
For @BBC to rule that this Wrongspeak justifies a complaint should prove to the most forgiving of observers that it has completely lost its way.
— Bev Jackson (@BevJacksonAuth) February 29, 2024
Welcome to doublespeak thought police land, where one of few journalists prepared to state bleeding obvious gets villified for doing so. "Transwomen, in other words males," is all he said.
— Shahrar Ali (@ShahrarAli) February 29, 2024
BBC upholds complaint against Today's Justin Webb for saying "trans women are male"
This is absolutely nuts.
The very first step in being able to understand this issue is to work out "trans woman" and "trans man" mean.
"trans women" are male
— Maya Forstater (@MForstater) February 29, 2024
It is very crucial to understanding! A lot of people don’t realize that a transwoman is a male claiming to be a woman. They don’t know if it is that, or a female claiming to be a male. I couldn’t keep it straight myself (and didn’t give a fuck) until the flap started at FTB.
Helen Joyce says the number one most common question she is asked on the matter of trans by ordinary people is “now is a trans woman a man who thinks he’s a woman, or a woman who thinks she’s a man?”
Unless you already know, it’s not reasonable to consider this assumed knowledge.
Do you remember when the gender activists’ party line was that gender and sex are distinct, that a trans woman was male sex but female gender, and don’t mix them up? I remember.