Choudary appeared shocked

One violent man stopped.

Anjem Choudary, the leader of the banned terror group al-Muhajiroun, has been jailed for life and may never leave prison alive. He was found guilty of directing the group and encouraging support for it through online meetings

The sentence means that Choudary cannot seek to leave jail on licence until he is more than 85 years old. Choudary appeared shocked and rocked on his feet in the dock as he was given a minimum term of 28 years at Woolwich Crown Court.

Shocked was he? How does he think his victims felt?

Mr Justice Wall said Choudary’s group was a radical organisation that intended to spread sharia law, by violent means, to as much of the world as possible.

That’s not “spreading” sharia, that’s imposing it.

Al-Muhajiroun, which emerged in the late 1990s, has been linked to dozens of acts of terrorism with followers committing acts of violence both at home and abroad. Choudary has been at the heart of the organisation since its earliest days and became leader in 2014 after its founder was jailed in Lebanon.

He gives us two choices: submission or slaughter.

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