Cheating dude tells women to “look within”

Let’s add insult to injury, shall we?

[O]utspoken Scottish golfer Hailey Davidson – born male but who transitioned to female – has shared her perspective on why athletes should look within when faced with defeat by transgender competitors.

There it is again – as pretty much always. The issue isn’t “transgender competitors”; it’s men intruding on women’s sports. When it’s the other way around it’s pretty much never a problem for the men. The news media flat-out refuse to cover this honestly.

Davidson was recently excluded from NXXT golf events due to the policy changes following her transition. She took to Instagram to express her views: “I will never understand athletes who blame a transgender competitor on their own athletic failures. If you don’t take accountability for your failures then you will never actually be good enough to make it.”

First of all, the guy is illiterate. He means “athletes who blame a transgender competitor FOR their own athletic failures.” Second, he’s a pig, taunting women who don’t consent to his intrusion into their sport. I will never understand pigs like Hayley Davidson who insult women for not wanting him ruining their sport.

Having last competed in men’s tournaments in 2015 and after her gender reassignment surgery in 2021, Davidson has seen victories in NXXT tournaments. Despite this, the organization’s updated inclusion policy as of January prevents athletes not born female from competing.

Despite what? Why would Davidson’s success at cheating women be a reason for the organization to continue letting him cheat? It’s not “despite this,” it’s “because this.”

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