Can you imagine?
Yet again, for the umpty-billionth time, a smug man reveals how entirely indifferent he is to women and their need for safety from predatory men.
Gee yes how dare women object to being forced to take their clothes off in front of men? Who do they think they are, real people???
Excuse me? Which colleague is humiliating the other colleagues? It’s the man bullying and humiliating the women. You’ve got the “who’s humiliating whom?” arrow going in the wrong direction.
Try to imagine being a woman patient who goes to the hospital, and is treated by this voyeuristic, narcissistic man. How many more times is that likely, compared to the number of transgender patients any nurse is likely to see. Besides, there’s nothing incompatible with treating transgender patients appropriately — medically, professionally, psychologically, and caringly — and knowing which sex someone actually is.
Anti-gay? There are no organizations more anti-gay than TRA organizations. There’s nothing anti-gay in the suit being brought by the women nurses. “Women nurses” includes lesbian nurses; lesbian nurses don’t want men in their locker rooms any more that heterosexual or bisexual nurses do. There’s nothing anti-gay about the litigation. That’s just a common smear employed by TRAs.
Anti-trans organizations? Another smear. I didn’t catch who the “anti-trans legal body” is supposed to be, but how much more clearly can you show that women’s rights vs. trans “rights” is a zero-sum game, than by demonstrating that “keeping things for women as they always have been” is inherently “anti-trans”?
Not to mention that it wasn’t just a trans woman using the locker room being objected to iirc. He followed a nurse around half clad asking her repeatedly when she was going to get changed. That should have been acted on by NHS HR as a misconduct matter. Instead they chose to ignore it and tried to make the nurses feel bad.