By sharing a vulgar post

Not vulgar enough yet? He can do more!

Donald Trump has reposted a crudely misogynistic comment about Kamala Harris on Truth Social in a move that reprised his past record of sexist behaviour and brazenly flouted pleas from members of his own party to emphasize issues over personal attacks.

With fresh polls showing Harris further improving her standing – and widening the gap with her opponent among women voters – Trump drew online opprobrium by sharing a vulgar post on his social media site implying that the Democratic nominee owed her political rise to sexual favours.

Trump is a rapist, and proud of it, while he tries to pretend to believe that Harris is that other thing. Your basic good old boy has done his share of raping because if he hadn’t he would be a pussy, i.e. a woman ew gross. Men can’t do any wrong and women can’t do anything right. Heads they win tails we lose.

The post – originally posted by another user – featured photos of Harris and Hillary Clinton alongside the comment: “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently…”

The Harris campaign made no immediate response to Trump’s latest burst of social media activity, which followed disclosures of an altercation between his campaign team and staff at Arlington national cemetery, the resting place of fallen US military heroes, during a visit on Monday.

However, the CNN host Anderson Cooper – in a lengthy segment – said the posts took Trump’s previous campaigning to a “whole other level”.

“This is the Republican candidate for president and the 45th president of the United States, talking about two women who, no matter what you think of their politics, are two of the most accomplished women in American political history,” Cooper said.

Whatever. Women are all filthy whores who won’t have sex with us. They must never get their filthy hands on any kind of power.

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