“By a trans activist”

The Times also (along with the BBC) reports on the Rape Crisis Scotland outrage in a cautious timid obfuscating way.

Rape Crisis Scotland boss apologises for Edinburgh centre failings

What failings were those then?


A review had heavily criticised the support service run by a trans activist, which failed to provide women-only spaces for 16 months

The issue was and is not the “trans activist” part; the issue was and is that he’s a man.

Why do they refuse to say this up front? If even the Times and the Telegraph won’t say it how can we expect the Guardian and the Beeb to say it?

The lede:

Sandy Brindley, the chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, has apologised “unreservedly” to abuse survivors damaged by a support service in Edinburgh run by a trans woman accused of harassing staff with gender-critical views.

Still not good enough. We know what that means but not everyone pays close attention to the issue, so saying “run by a trans woman” is not clear enough. It’s their job to make it clear enough.

Brindley also insisted that services offered around the country must provide “women-only” spaces.

She was speaking after Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre was heavily criticised in a review and Mridul Wadhwa, its former chief executive, was found to have “failed to set professional standards of behaviour” and not understood “the limits on her role’s authority”.

Under Wadhwa, the Edinburgh centre failed to provide women-only spaces for 16 months.

Now there the Times befuddles the low-information reader all over again. The Times fails to spell out that Wadhwa is a man, and calls him “her” inside unattributed quotation marks. If you don’t already know Wadhwa is a man, you won’t learn it from this reporting.

She told the BBC that while there was no reason why transgender people should not work in rape crisis centres, the services must provide women-only spaces.

She reiterated that Rape Crisis Scotland, the umbrella organisation for 17 local centres, had no active hand in Wadhwa’s appointment but said there had been “no reason” not to agree to it, because Wadhwa had significant experience of working in the sector.

She should be booted out and never allowed to work in a rape crisis anything ever again.

Brindley said she “absolutely recognised” that women-only spaces were a priority for many women using rape support services. Critics, however, highlighted that Brindley had failed to define what constitutes a woman.

As does the Times in much of this very story. The obfuscation creeps in everywhere.

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