Bringing people together, minus women

From the Department of Easy For Him to Say:

Keir Starmer has pledged to end the Tory culture wars if he becomes prime minister. In an exclusive interview, the Labour leader told HuffPost UK that people are “exhausted” by the political battles over issues such as trans rights. And he said he wanted to focus on “bringing people together” rather than creating further division.

Man blows off women’s rights as “culture war” and thinks that will “bring people together.” Is it 1968 again? Are men of the left really still sneering at pesky women and our pesky insistence on our pesky rights?

Starmer has been criticised in the past for shifting his own position on transgender rights. However, the Labour leader said his government would look to bring an end to those controversies on day one.

He said: “I think people are exhausted by culture wars. My clear view is that the vast majority of the public in general in the UK are reasonable, tolerant people. Live and let live is a very British thing, and what culture wars do is force people into taking sides that they’re not instinctively inclined to do. And it’s exhausting because you’re constantly having a battle about this and a battle about that.”

Defending women’s rights is not unreasonable, nor is it intolerant. We are allowed to have rights, and we are allowed to defend them. Keir Starmer does not get to throw them away while telling us to give up. We didn’t ask for this “battle” but we’re not going to submit just because Starmer says “live and let live.” Easy for him; his rights are not being stomped into the mud.

He adds:

“That’s why I’ve said that politics needs to tread more lightly on people’s lives.”

Well. Some people’s lives, he means. Not women’s, of course. Go right ahead and tread on those, as hard as you can. Thanks, maaaaaate.

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