Bravely announces her cheating

Ahhhhh fuck off.

First transgender athlete to compete in Paralympics and bravely shares her story

Typo in the title; always a good sign.

Valentina Petrillo, an Italian sprinter, is making history as the first openly transgender athlete to compete in the Paralympic Games. Set to represent Italy in Paris, Petrillo will participate in the T12 classification for visually impaired track athletes, taking on the 200m and 400m races.

That is, Valentino Petrillo is openly cheating in the Paralympic Games. How impressive.

At 50 years old, Petrillo told BBC Sport that her presence at the Games stands as a “important symbol of inclusion” as she bravely shared her story. 

No, Bud, it stands as a repellent symbol of widespread male cheating.

“The historic value of being the first transgender woman to compete at the Paralympics is an important symbol of inclusion.”

Nope. Cheating. Not the same thing.

From 2015 to 2018, Petrillo dominated the T12 classification as a male athlete, racking up 11 national titles. After transitioning in 2018 with her wife’s support and starting hormone therapy in January 2019, she experienced profound changes. 

Whatever. He didn’t turn into a woman. He’s cheating.

Bracing for potential criticism at the Paralympic Games, Petrillo said: “This is not a lifestyle choice for me, this is who I am. And the way I am, like all transgender people who do not feel they belong to their biological gender, should not be discriminated against in the same way that race, religion or political ideology should not be discriminated against.”

No, not the same, because cheating.

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