Boys just wanna have fun

Maybe the way to break Trump is to shrug him off.

The standout moment in Kamala Harris’s first interview as Democratic presidential nominee consisted of a mere seven words: “Same old tired playbook. Next question, please.”

That was her answer when CNN’s Dana Bash brought up Donald Trump’s recent outrageous suggestion that the vice president, who is the daughter of Indian and Jamaican parents, “happened to turn Black” as a matter of political expediency.

Let’s hope Harris continues to shrug off Trump’s racist and misogynist attacks. It’s clearly driving him crazy.

I’m no good at shrugging things off, myself. I prefer to try to hammer them into the ground like a frustrated Bugs Bunny. But if Harris is driving him crazy by yawning in his face, hooray!

Meanwhile, in its efforts to get the former president back on track, Trump’s campaign keeps scheduling policy-focused “messaging” events, at which he is supposed to address issues that swing voters care about, such as the economy. It isn’t working very well. Trump listlessly delivers some lines from the teleprompter, then gets bored and begins recycling the rants from his rallies. He mocks the campaign strategists who want him to stick to the script and threatens to fire them.

Well that’s the thing, isn’t it. He’s never been in it for the policy side. Not really. What truly get him going is the showbiz part, the times where he gets to pretend he’s a brilliant insult comic. The other stuff is just paying his dues so that he can do the fun stuff.

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