Big Enby Sibling Loves You

You will say you believe in the mandatory mythology or you will be out.

The Green Party of England and Wales has suspended its health spokesperson on the eve its largest-ever conference for calling reports of rising LGBT+ hate crimes “mischievous”.

At a general election hustings in June, Pallavi Devulapalli said she had “yet to meet anyone” who denied a person’s right to “dress” and “be addressed as they please”. Ms Devulapalli told the BBC “there is no trans-hate in society in general”.

The BBC then snidely cites a statistic about an “increase in reported hate crimes” – without explaining how it knows the increase isn’t due to a fashion for seeing putative hate crimes against Our Trans Siblings everywhere.

The Greens suspended Ms Devulapalli two days before the party’s conference got under way in Manchester on Friday. The party has not given any explanation. A spokesperson said it “does not comment on individual disciplinary cases”. But the BBC has obtained party documents showing Ms Devulapalli was placed on an emergency suspension pending a code of conduct investigation.

It’s interesting that the Greens apparently have no qualms about kicking out a member with a noticeably non-Anglo-Saxon name. It’s interesting that the Greens apparently see Our Trans Siblings as more important and/or deserving of protection than boring old persons of color.

Speaking to the BBC, Ms Devulapalli claimed her comments reflected her thoughts that hate crime against LGBT+ people was “being politicised” and “most people weren’t aware of the issue”.

There it is again, another snide nudge to view her as the Greens view her. She didn’t say her comments reflected her thoughts, she “claimed” they did. The BBC is so ridiculous.

Cade Hatton, co-chair of the LGBTQIA+ Greens group, said Ms Devulapalli’s comments at the hustings were “just the most recent thing in a long list of things that have made people uncomfortable”. Mr Hatton said he believed Ms Devulapalli was trying to have a debate about trans rights but had “not gone about it in the right way”. He added that Ms Devulapalli’s suspension was an example of the Green Party’s disciplinary system “working a little more efficiently”.

The party’s rights and responsibilities policy states “trans men are men, trans women are women, and that non-binary identities exist and are valid”.

Then the party’s policy is full of shit, because trans women are by definition not women, ditto trans men, and non-binawee idennninneez are childish bullshit. Gwow up, Gweens.

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