Bam, you’re out

Next up: get rid of everyone who says the earth is not flat.

Scottish Greens expel gender rebels

Rebel members have been kicked out of the Scottish Green Party for declaring that “sex is a biological reality”.

Signatories to the Scottish Green Declaration for Women’s Sex-Based Rights were accused of making the party less safe for trans and non-binary members in an official complaint.

Did anyone point out that the obsession with “trans and non-binary members” is making the party less safe for women? And that there are far more women than “trans and non-binary” people? That in fact half of all people are women and girls? Did anyone ask why it’s better to make the party “less safe” for women?

Did anyone point out that sex is a biological reality and it’s bizarre to expel people for uttering a basic and significant and non-pejorative truth of that kind?

In documents seen by Holyrood, a total of 13 Scottish Green Party members were accused of breaching its code of conduct by signing the declaration, which was published online in November last year.

The eight-point statement stated that “sex is a biological reality”, asserted that women have a right to maintain the sex-based protections enshrined in the Equality Act, said lesbians are same-sex attracted and declared that “women and girls have the right to discuss policies which affect them without being abused, harassed or intimidated”.

It stated: “We know that globally women, as a sex, are disproportionately affected by climate change and environmental degradation, and that their empowerment is essential to our work as environmentalists.”

The declaration was signed by current and former Scottish Green Party members and supporters.

13 people who signed it were reported to the CCC.

Complainants, including the then-co-convenors of LGBTQI+ group the Rainbow Greens and a co-convenor of its Women’s Network, said the signatories had failed to “maintain political discipline” and broken rules that prohibit the undermining of party policy, bullying, “behaviours that constitute prejudice based on sexual orientation or gender identity” and “behaviours that constitute a threat to others”.

Bullying?? Prejudice?? Threat to others??

Now officials of the party, which since 2018 has had a rule which states that “trans-exclusionary individuals of any kind are not welcome as members”, have issued letters of expulsion.

All of the group have been expelled.

These people are insane. (Can you imagine trying to work with them?) Just plain bonkers loony nuts. Half of humanity is a bit of trivia while a tiny almost-invisible minority matters more than anyone else on the planet.

The document, in which MSP Ross Greer is cited as a witness, states that: “Given the serious nature of this complaint and the serious breaches of the SGP CoC [Code of Conduct], the only appropriate action to be taken on this occasion is that all current members who are signatories on the ‘declaration’ MUST be removed from the party with immediate effect, to ensure the safety of all trans and non-binary members of the SGP.”

Why? Is the idea that the signatories are going to murder all trans and non-binary members of the SGP? Or beat them all to a pulp? Or confine them to a tiny cell and there torture them?

A spokesperson for the Scottish Green Party said: “We can confirm disciplinary action was taken against 13 individuals over a breach of our membership policy, which has resulted in their immediate expulsion from the party. The welfare of all our members is our primary concern. The CCC process found that the members were in breach of our code of conduct. 

“Next month is Pride month and we hope this decisive action will send a clear message that we stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community now and forever.”

No, it sends a message that you stand in hyperbolic excessive “solidarity” with people who claim to be trans, and that you will ditch everyone else in a heartbeat merely for saying women have rights. That’s not a message a reasonable political party would want to send.

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