Bad moon

Musk is very very dangerous.

Judd Legum at Popular Information:

There are 49 days until Election Day in the United States. Although the presidential race remains extremely close, Donald Trump and his allies have escalated their efforts to undermine the results. 

In a post to Truth Social on Sunday morning, Trump falsely claimed that the United States Postal Service (USPS) “has admitted that it is a poorly run mess that is experiencing mail loss and delays at a level never seen before.” Trump asked, “how can we possibly be expected to allow or trust the U.S. Postal Service to run the 2024 Presidential Election?” 

How can we possibly expect Trump to stop lying?

In addition to attacking mail-in voting, Trump has advanced broader claims that Democrats “want to cheat” in the 2024 election. In a September 7 Truth Social post, Trump pledged to prosecute and jail Democrats who repeat “the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election.” (In nearly 4 years since the 2020 election, Trump has produced no evidence of cheating.) Trump claimed that prosecuting “Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials” was the only way to ensure “this Depravity of Justice does not happen again.”

“Depravity” is not the right word there – he means “betrayal” or similar – but never mind.

Trump’s efforts to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2024 election are nothing new. He did the same thing in advance of the 2020 election. The difference is that, this time, he has the public support of wealthy tech billionaires. 

Appearing on the All In podcast, billionaire investor Peter Theil asserted that if the presidential election “is going to be close,” then “I’m pretty sure [Vice President] Kamala [Harris] will win because they will cheat.” Theil claimed, without any evidence, that Democrats will “steal the ballots” to assure a Harris victory. 

Of course Trump is the one who tried to steal the last election by force, but never mind.

H/t Tim Harris

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