Attention deficit tantrum

Trump is throwing hissy fits.

Former President Donald Trump, frustrated by the state of the race and his continued legal troubles, on Friday sought to claim the spotlight for himself.

Wedging a hastily called press conference into an otherwise packed day of campaign events and court-related issues, he angrily complained to reporters inside the lobby of Trump Tower about his appeal in a sex abuse and defamation case. He criticized his legal team’s performance. Trump accused the moderators of the upcoming ABC debate of being unfair — and slammed Harris for not addressing reporters as often as he has.

In other words, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah.

Very edifying.

“This is a disgraceful case and disgraceful, in particular, because it is about a former president of the United States who is now leading in the polls to be the president again,” Trump said, before proceeding to voluntarily rehash salacious details of the sexual assault allegations he has denied.

He isn’t leading in the polls. Also, he shouldn’t be a former president of the US because he should never have been president of the US. He’s not competent and he’s a terrible human being.

After saying he would be discussing Friday’s jobs report, which was weaker than expected, Trump only briefly mentioned the topic after speaking for 45 minutes, then quickly touching on migration and migrant crime before ending his remarks. Most of his comments centered on the civil and criminal cases against him. 

In other words he’s only interested in himself. He doesn’t care about “migration” or “migrant crime” except as a pretext to bully people who aren’t Donald Trump.

Trump’s 50-minute, often rambling speech — billed as a “press conference,” though he took no questions from reporters — was the latest of several media events he has held in recent weeks as he has worked to reclaim his lead in the race, and to steal the spotlight back from Harris. The vice president has enjoyed favorable polling, a fundraising windfall and large, energetic crowds even as she has largely avoided speaking to the news media.

He’s not going to be able to steal the spotlight back. He’ll still get some spotlight, but he won’t get it by subtracting from hers. He’s going to get more and more furious…and this time, thankyoubabyjesus, he can’t do much with his fury other than wave his tiny fists around.

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