Analogy failure

The stupid it burns.

One of the biggest challenges, particularly in this country right now to trans people are feminists who feel that trans women are not women.

Other way around, sport. We don’t “feel” that, we know it, we realize it, we’re aware of it. The people doing the feeling instead of knowing here are the people who “feel” that men are women if they say so. In short we’re not the ones who have our facts wrong.

They believe that trans women are actually just men

No, again, that’s not what we “believe”; it’s just reality. You’re the one doing the counterfactual “believing” here.

The thing that gets me the most about that argument is that you should see you’re on the same side

No, again, we’re not the ones who need to fix what we’re seeing here. Also, we’re not on the same side. Men who claim to be us are not on our side. If someone claimed to be Jodi Picoult and demanded all her royalties, would Jodi Picoult be on the same side as pretend-Jodi Picoult?

The rest of the clip is about having body-failure in common. Nope.

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