Already running into walls

Oh how sad, people in Canada have to pay for some of their Magic Gender Care.

A new gender-affirming care provision under the federal government’s employee health plan — a change touted as a major win for transgender plan members — has turned into an ongoing struggle for some trans workers who say they’re rethinking future surgeries because they’re already running into walls getting claims reimbursed. 

I have to wonder why the government pays for mutilations in the first place.

Gender-affirming care encompasses a number of treatments, including mental health counselling, hormone replacement therapy, genital surgery, breast augmentation, pectoral implants and even something as basic as a haircut.

Genital surgery, they say cheerfully, when what they mean is amputation/mutilation.

Plan members can have up to 80 per cent of each treatment covered, to a lifetime maximum of $75,000, for procedures performed in Canada but not covered by provincial or territorial health plans. It’s meant “to help people with their gender affirmation journey,” according to a government web page.

But the whole idea of a “gender affirmation journey” is a silly childish fad, not a medical issue.

What should have been a year focusing on the surgeries that would transform her body to reflect how she sees herself has been been anything but, Alexandra Lamaute says.  

“We constantly have to fight to receive something that should be much more simple,” said the 41-year-old who lives in Dieppe, N.B. and underwent breast augmentation and facial feminization surgery last year.

Why should it be more simple? When the whole idea is batshit-crazy in the first place?

Lamaute said she is considering delaying, or simply not having, vocal surgery to make her voice sound more feminine because she’s worried she won’t get reimbursed.

“My voice doesn’t really match my appearance anymore,” she said, leading to people she deals with on the phone often calling her “sir” or “young man.”

“I don’t blame anyone, but it takes a toll after a while.”

Meanwhile, in Afghanistan…

There’s paragraph after paragraph more of this infatuated bilge. Where are the adults???

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