Alarming new symptoms

Word is that Trump’s dementia is rapidly getting worse.

When more than 500 licensed mental health professions—including best-selling authors and well-respected psychologists—sign a petition warning that Donald Trump has clear signs of dementia, you would think corporate media would cover the story. But of course that would conflict with the corporate media’s non-stop narrative that President Biden is the one with cognitive issues.

But thankfully that has not deterred Dr. John Gartner–the founder of “Duty to Warn” and a prominent psychologist who was a contributor to the New York Times bestselling book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President”—from raising alarm bells.

So Dean Obeidallah had a conversation with Gartner.

…with Trump back in the spotlight, Gartner saw deeply alarming new symptoms prompting him to jump back into action. To put it bluntly, Gartner stated that with today’s Trump: “We see clear signs of dementia.” 

The Doctor explained that since Trump left office, there has been an obvious acceleration in his cognitive deterioration. For example, “now he can’t get through a rally without committing one of these” tell-tale signs of dementia, such as saying the incorrect word or “combining or mixing up people and generations.”

I’d agree that it’s obvious. I’ve been thinking of it, in my amateurish way, as his being more stupid, but if he’s more demented rather than more stupid, I stand corrected.

But it’s not just Gartner raising alarm bells. Others who have signed the “Duty To Warn” petition are doing the same, such as psychologist Michael Tansey, Ph.D. who wrote about Trump, “Recent shocking video displayed what appears to be signs of a serious advancing dementia which have worsened in recent months. That will inflame his underlying psychological vulnerability to rogue rage, extreme recklessness, and impulsive and violent action.”

So definitely let’s put him in charge of the nukes again.

Dr. Michael Bader, a psychologist, explained, “This is not just ‘rambling.’ Trump evidences a type of cognitive impairment seen in dementia.” He highlighted Trump’s symptoms that led to this conclusion: “word salad (incoherence), ‘loose associations’ (a lack of connection between ideas), impairments of memory, and language problems (mis-pronouncing words or making up words that don’t exist).”

Alarmingly, as Gartner warns, Trump will only get worse—especially given the stress of the campaign and his criminal woes. “Now we’re noticing deterioration almost every day,” marked by Trump becoming more erratic, impulsive and with increasingly incomprehensible speech, Gartner noted. He added, “I honestly believe that if Trump were to get reelected that he would become completely incapacitated in office.”

I see no reason to think that’s unlikely.

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