A suitable choice?

Jawad Iqbal in the Times last week:

Is the prominent Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran a suitable choice to chair the highly influential Commons health and social care committee? She belongs to a party that has responded with deafening silence to the landmark Cass review, which recommended sweeping changes to the way the NHS treats under-18s who are unsure about their gender identity.

Moran is also on record as believing that “trans women are women” and said she was “disgusted” when Kemi Badenoch, who has pushed for single-sex spaces, was made women and equalities minister under the previous Conservative government. Would campaigners for same-sex healthcare to help safeguard women and girls feel confident that she can be open-minded and fair?

Liberal Voice for Women, the party’s gender-critical group which campaigns for women’s rights, has also voiced concern. It described the Lib Dems’ position on transgender healthcare — in 2015 the party called for the use of experimental puberty blockers in children with gender distress — as “woefully and dangerously outdated”.

Aka sheer quackery.

Hadley Freeman is skeptical:

“There are many forms of the human body. I see someone in their soul and as a person. I do not really care whether they have a male body.”

Well, she says that, but is it true? What if a male body is following her persistently? What if a male body follows her into an otherwise empty restroom [aka toilet] and stands in front of the cubicle she’s in, so close that she can see his feet? What if he goes into the next door cubicle and she watches his feet as first one disappears and then the other and she looks up to see him staring at her over the partition? [That’s a real thing; it’s happened to me.] What if a male body starts hassling her in the street, and gets closer and closer until he’s pressed up against her, shouting into her face while he grips her arms?

And so on. Fuck off with that not caring lie. Of course she cares, in certain circumstances. That’s why she has no right to laugh off the caring of other women for the sake of men cosplaying women.

I’d say she’s definitely not the right person to chair the Commons health and social care committee.

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