A laborer from Shamokin

Wait what?

Robert A. Bridy, 64, a laborer from Shamokin, Pennsylvania, traveled on Saturday to the rally to show support for Trump. He said the election feels tight in this state and added that his union and a close friend are trying to convince him to vote for Harris and other Democrats, but he has voted for Trump since 2016.

Bridy called Trump a “working class guy like us.” Trump is a billionaire who built his fortune in real estate.

How do people manage to think that?

The only explanation I can think of is insulting to the people in question.

Trump has never been in any sense working class. He was landlord class from the beginning.

What he can claim, I suppose, is that he lacks class in the cultural sense. He’s from Queens, and he remains all Queens despite the very tall property on 5th Avenue. You can buy the brownstone, you can build the tower, but you’ll still never be what old money is willing to sit down to dinner with. The tall garish tower will never be 47 and 49 E. 65th Street.

A different person could make that transition, but for Trump it’s completely out of the question. He’s determinedly sleazy and vulgar and trashy – he wants to be that, he enjoys it, he loves rubbing people’s noses in it.

Also a different person could remain loyal to his Queens roots but also be a decent human being, but again for Trump that’s just not a goal.

So really what the laborer from Shamokin, Pennsylvania is saying is that Trump is a bad cruel vulgar ignorant person “like us”…which is just too sad and horrific to believe.

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