A historic victory

Paula Gerber, a professor of law at Monash University in Melbourne, rejoices that “Roxanne Tickle” won his case.

Roxanne Tickle’s win in the Federal Court is a historic victory for transgender women

The fact that it’s historic disaster for women doesn’t seem to trouble her at all.

It’s been a case closely watched by the transgender community and legal minds alike. Today in the Federal Court of Australia, a judge ruled in favour of trans woman Roxanne Tickle in her anti-discrimination case against a social media app.

I just have to say, minds that have a taste for precision in language know better than to say a community and legal minds are watching something. Minds can’t watch things; that’s the job of the eyes. A community can’t watch things; that’s the job of people. The garbled metaphor isn’t exactly wrong, but it’s a mess. It’s kind of a portentous mess, because sloppiness with concepts and categories is the entire underpinning of trans ideology. Men can’t become women, but if enough people talk enough slop fast enough for long enough, it seems everyone gives in.

Much of proceedings have on around what constitutes a woman under Australian law, and whether someone’s sex can be changed.

Erm. Words missing. The law professor seems…agitated? Distracted? Confused?

But the decision’s ramifications extend far beyond the key players in the case. It’s a landmark decision in favour of protecting the human rights of transgender people nationwide.

Please explain how it’s a human right for a man to force women to accept him in a group for women. I don’t mean just say it over and over, I mean explain it. If women can’t ever get away from men, how can women even have basic safety?

The decision provides much-needed clarity regarding the meaning of “sex”, a word not defined in the Sex Discrimination Act. Importantly, Justice Bromwich stated that “in its contemporary ordinary meaning, sex is changeable”.

Importantly, maybe, but truthfully, no.

He also noted the concept of sex has broadened over the past 30 years, especially as people can change the sex listed on their birth certificates. 

Let’s do that with everything, shall we? Let’s broaden the concept of “person” to include reptiles. Let’s broaden the concept of “law” to include astrophysics. Let’s broaden the concept of “judge” to include teenagers roleplaying.

The court unequivocally rejected the argument that sex is immutable – that the sex that was presumed and assigned to a person at birth is the sex someone will always be. Justice Bromwich stated:

“The sex of a person may take into account a range of factors, including biological and physical characteristics, legal recognition, and how they present themselves and are recognised socially.”

In other words “a man is a woman if he says so, bitch.” Thanks, Justice Bromwich. Your respect for women is astonishing.

The judgment in this case provides much-needed clarity regarding the legal recognition of trans women as women.

In other words it demolishes women’s rights.

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