A balding male who now identifies as a “woman”

The courts are forcing people to lie on pain of arrest and/or massive fines.

A podcast episode of Hoss and Hopf had to be deleted by court order because the moderators called a trans-identified man “a man” and used male pronouns to refer to him. The podcasters may be facing potential prison time or a fine of up to €250,000.

Germany thinks men who pretend to be women are the Jews. Nuh uh. The people being punished for not saying men are women are the Jews. (Not literally, obviously, but in the sense of being the party that is being treated like scum.)

In the controversial podcast episode, the hosts discussed the case of Laura Holstein, formerly known as Nicolas. Holstein, a balding male who now identifies as a “woman,” has made multiple headlines over the past few months related to him demanding access to female spaces. Most recently, Holstein, with the support of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, has been pursuing legal action against a female-only gym in Bavaria.

So, he’s a man who enjoys bullying women into calling him a woman. We’re familiar with the type.

In a post to social media, Hossainpour posted screenshots of the letter they received from the court. Among the orders made in the document are that the two hosts are prohibited from “distributing, publishing or having third parties distribute or publish” statements that correctly sex Holstein.

Courts are telling people to lie – and not just any lie, but the lie that members of the dominant/domineering caste are actually members of the dominated caste. It’s a peculiarly loathsome lie, yet it’s hugely popular right now.

In the court’s letter, the hosts were accused of violating Holstein’s “personal rights” by referring to him as male, because he is “legally and socially recognized as a woman.”

Hossainpour explained further: “It is noteworthy that the court saw an ‘extraordinary urgency’ here – as if the use of biologically correct terms represented an immediate danger that could not be postponed. One inevitably wonders whether other, perhaps actually urgent cases had to take a back seat for this.” 

Urgency forsooth. It’s hard to think of things that are less urgent.

In addition to being forced to delete the episode, the hosts are facing a €250,000 fine for violating the law and, if this cannot be paid, up to six months in prison. If the offense is repeated, they could be handed a two year prison sentence.

That’s a lot of money…all for telling the truth.

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