24 Hour’s Equal Opportunity Policy

24 Hour Fitness has a corporate policy on locker rooms. You can guess what it is without breaking a sweat.


As set forth in 24 Hour’s Equal Opportunity Policy, all members shall have full and equal access to the club facility. Consistent with this Policy, all members shall have access to the restroom and locker room facilities that correspond to the member’s gender identity, regardless of the member’s sex assigned at birth. For example, transgender women (who were born male but identify as female) are permitted to use the women’s facilities, and vice versa for transgender men. Each member should determine the most appropriate option for her/him/themself. Any member who has a need or desire for increased privacy, regardless of the reason, will be provided access to a single-person facility, when available. No member, however, shall be required to use such a facility.

That’s interesting because it’s a contradiction. Women can’t actually have full and equal access to the club facility given the fact that men are allowed to use the women’s locker room.

Illustration of how this is so:

Men are fully welcome to use the women’s facilities, no matter how much the women in the facilities object.

That’s not equal access.

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