Trump fidgets

Trump had to wait, just like any humble mortal waiting for a bus.

Donald Trump is not a man used to waiting.

But at a court hearing in the nation’s capital, the former US president found himself fidgeting in his seat while he waited 20 minutes for the judge to arrive.

Nobody thought to bring a coloring book and crayons?

The latest indictment stems from his alleged role in plotting to overturn the 2020 election results. He faces four counts: conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding and conspiracy against rights.

Federal prosecutors allege he knowingly and repeatedly spread false claims about the 2020 election, and, along with several unnamed co-conspirators, took unlawful measures in a bid to stay in power.

There’s a tricky element here, which is the question: can it ever be truly said that Trump knows anything? Is that a state of mind that even exists for him? Is it possible that he’s so entrenched in the habit of making shit up that he’s just not familiar with “knowing” something? That he’s not familiar with it in the same way humans are not familiar with what it feels like to fly?

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