The role of local government is to say “they”
A local government meeting interrupted so that one narcissist can make a long-winded repetitive tedious speech about making sure to use the wrong pronouns for The People of Special so that everything anyone says will become more confusing, and not just making sure to do it but making sure to do it INSTANTLY so that the poor overworked narcissist doesn’t have to do it himself.
“You have the power to make this a safe space for trans n non-binary members,” he says earnestly. He of course does not explain how referring to a man as “they” instead of “he” makes any space safe. The point of the exercise is to make every single person in that room edgy and tense about accidentally referring to a man as “he” instead of “they” and being subject to a chastisement like this. Everyone there will be thinking about the pronoun minefield instead of what they’re there to think and talk about.
Exactly. It’s the very opposite of a safe space whenever any person in that space decides to inflict their narcissist manipulation on everyone else. The narcissist was always safe; now, no-one is. The narcissist is now constantly focussing on other people for infractions of the ridiculous, counter-intuitive, and ultimately pointlless new rule, and everyone else is also too busy focussing on the narcissist for anything important to get done.
Make everyone walk on eggshells to avoid bullying and abuse. Some kind of “safe space”! It’s like living with an alcoholic.
When will people finally have enough of being identity-pecked by narcissists? Will we see the video of some event where some sane person finally has enough and tells the narcissist cry-bully to shut up and sit down? Will we then see that person stick to their guns and refuse to apologize or back down? Who will be the Joseph Welch to the gender McCarthyites? Somebody with clout has to eventually get fed up with these clowns. Are those in power getting sick of having to dance to the tune of the cry-bullies yet? Yes, I know those in power empowered the cry-bullies against us but when useful idiots or attack dogs start being a problem to their masters, well, you know what happens eventually.