Take a moment to acknowledge the vileness of this man…specifically the way he says Baroness as Barren-Ness. Its a word used to demean a womans value if she's not given birth.
He is grotesque. We see see the misogyny that seeps out of his every pore. https://t.co/I2dbHYOG8U
I can’t find clear confirmation of the attack referred to by Emma Nicholson. All the mentions I have seen on the web lead back to her statement in the House of Lords, which was, of course, made under Parliamentary privilege. That said, there have been other, well-documented cases of sexual attacks on women by so-called ‘trans women’. I have full confidence in the integrity of Baroness Nicholson and I am sure there are good privacy reasons why the details of this case have not become public.
Meanwhile I suspect that Willoughby thrives on any kind of attention, positive or negative.
Oh weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread
For he on gender woo hath fed
And drunk the milk of Ego Pride.
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
I’m not a poet
And I know it
But of this nasty little man
I’m not a fan
I’ll show myself out.
Where is Willoughby from?
There was a young man from Nantucket
Who put all women’s rights in bucket.
He said with a grin
Throwing all in the bin
“If I still had my dick I would fuck it.”
I can’t find clear confirmation of the attack referred to by Emma Nicholson. All the mentions I have seen on the web lead back to her statement in the House of Lords, which was, of course, made under Parliamentary privilege. That said, there have been other, well-documented cases of sexual attacks on women by so-called ‘trans women’. I have full confidence in the integrity of Baroness Nicholson and I am sure there are good privacy reasons why the details of this case have not become public.
Meanwhile I suspect that Willoughby thrives on any kind of attention, positive or negative.
Meghan Murphy posted an insightful piece on Willoughby several years ago.
He really is a beady-eyed little varmint, isn’t he?
There’s something Trumpian in his eyes in that thumbnail. Literally. Like, he looks related.
Now that you point it out, I see it.