So we’ll just steal her work

Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture, formerly the Experience Music Project, displays Harry Potter stuff but pretends Harry Potter was invented by no one. I call that highly unethical, bordering on plagiarism.

A Seattle Museum has airbrushed JK Rowling from its hall of fame and Harry Potter exhibition over her gender-critical views. The Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) in Washington hit out at the famous author and accused her of holding ‘super hateful and divisive’ opinions.

It defended its decision to remove all references to Rowling in a lengthy blog post on Saturday. The museum still has Harry Potter memorabilia on display but any mention of the author of the franchise has been airbrushed.

In other words it profits from her work but erases her as its creator. How is that not plagiarism and theft? Tickets to the museum cost 30 bucks.

Its exhibitions project manager Chris Moore, who is transgender and uses the pronouns ‘he/they’, confirmed the museum would no longer contain any references to Rowling.

‘There’s a certain cold, heartless, joy-sucking entity in the world of Harry Potter and, this time, it is not actually a Dementor,’ he wrote in a 1,400-word blog post on Saturday. 

‘We would love to go with the internet’s theory that these books were actually written without an author, but this certain person is a bit too vocal with her super hateful and divisive views to be ignored.’ 

She’s too hateful to be ignored and that’s why we’re removing her name from our display of her work.

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