Shifting the risk
Prof Francione sums it up:
So women who don't want to be in a private/intimate space with males however they identify have to take a risk because transwomen who don't want to share a private/intimate space with other males don't have to take the risk. It's amazing that some fail to see the issue here.
— Prof. Gary Francione (@garylfrancione) December 5, 2023
What a liar. No one wants to stop men LARPing as women from “going to the toilet at work.” There’s a perfectly fine men’s toilet for them to use at work. Meaning, you CAN hold down a job. The T “argument” is as full of holes as Swiss cheese. Lying liar “Katy” Montgomerie is telling porkies again.
Bro, nobody, man or woman, wants to be in the bathroom next to your creepy self. And nobody wants to rape you. They just want to get away from you.
But the T argument, unlike Swiss cheese, does not have a good flavor.
Katy, *you* won’t pee next to someone with broad shoulders, so I’m sure you see how perplexed I am that you claim not to understand why I won’t either?