Saying makes it so
What fresh hell is this?
Sure, chum, the fact that you say You Are A Safe Person means you absolutely are one and definitely not just saying you are one for nefarious purposes. This is a very excellent idea.
Also, notice that as usual women have no need of safety. Women are the people everyone else needs protection from.
You’re safe if I’m “coming out [as] anything”? (or maybe those are two items). What if I’m coming out as an axe-murdering Nazi who wants to kill you? Would you just give me a “safe” opportunity to do that? I hope not. Being universally “safe” to everyone doesn’t work.
Being universally “safe” to everyone isn’t possible.
Too right, Colin. Anybody who needs to preach that loudly gives me pause.
I know this bullshit. My mother was genuinely convinced she was some sort of saint and could literally do no harm. She did massive harm to everyone around her, her children especially.
[…] That poster is still doing the rounds. […]