But Peter, ‘biological sex’ does change. That’s what hormones do. Also we don’t really know another’s ‘biology’ – or even our own. We don’t know someone’s chromosomal or hormonal makeup. We just make random guesses in line with a reductive framework of understanding
I’ll resist the temptation to write a long and tortuous diatribe about why reductionism is in fact a good and useful thing and just note that if Hines doctors are in fact making random guesses she needs to find new doctors. (They might even explain that we all have both ‘male’ and ‘female’ hormones and how those hormones determine sex in embryonic development.) How do you bring random guesses in line with something she admits to be understanding anyway? (Yeah, understanding is just another way of knowing which in turn is just making shit up.) I’m assuming she’s aware that Tatchell is talking about healthcare since the word’s right there above her post, though that’s not obvious. Tatchell is still not not right but at least he’s the coherent one in this conversation and is talking about something that actually matters.
Are people with cancer being denied treatment because of trans ideology? Now there’s a right that could legitimately be fought for, but why should we assume this is happening? Are there incidents to support this insinuation?
And Sally — “…‘biological sex’ does change. That’s what hormones do. Also we don’t really know another’s ‘biology’ – or even our own.” — Then how would we know biological sex changes?
People cannot change biological sex….Biological sex matters because different sexes are prone to different diseases – such as cervical cancer in women & prostate cancer in men
Wow. Tatchell’s really straying from the playbook, isn’t he? The “totally valid” changing of gender identity he plops in the middle comes across as a hurried, apologetic afterthought, given the “essentialist” importance he’s placing on (Butterworth gasp) biological sex. The none-too-sub subtext is that “transmen” are actually women and “transwomen” are really men, and that they require the appropriate medical treatment for their sex. No pap smears for TiMs! He’s so close to becoming a transphobe that a few more poorly worded (i.e. accurate) tweets will make him persona less grata. Next he’ll be saying that only women have cervixes! Hello Rosie Duffield! Maybe that whole repetition of TWAW thing he’s been doing is to convince himself. He’s not going to fool the True Believers, who’ve pilloried others for statements even more innocuous than this. Of course, Tatchell’s a man; the harshest punishments are reserved for women. He should know; he’s helped to mete them out. I wonder if he’s trying to extricate himself, slowly backing away from the madness in order to claim he was never a part of it?
As for Sally Hines, the fact that she exists at all is the result of her parents’ own lucky, random guesswork. She should look into the possibly preternatural abilities of her mother and father to find the appropriately fertile partner, or at least determine exactly which reductive framework of understanding they were using when they chanced upon each other. If that’s how all this works, then it’s a wonder that we’ve managed to produce eight billion of us. That’s a lot of lucky random guesses. The game must be rigged. So what’s the deal? Loaded dice? Marked cards? Card counting? Magnets? She’s not really the best advertisement for the intellectual rigour to be found in her field of sociology, is she? Or, maybe she is.
I’m beginning to wonder if those amongst the trans-and-fans who happen to have at least some understanding of science are starting to realise that their ‘biological’ argument isn’t fooling anyone, so they’re falling back on the ‘validity of identity’ instead. The ‘TWAW/TMAM’ chant isn’t as effective as they hoped, so now it’s back to pretending that ‘cis’ and ‘trans’ are merely equal sub-categories of woman/man.
Do you really have to know much biology? I suppose it takes a lot of formal education to obfuscate relatively basic biological facts. Maybe a degree in sociology helps.
I’ll resist the temptation to write a long and tortuous diatribe about why reductionism is in fact a good and useful thing and just note that if Hines doctors are in fact making random guesses she needs to find new doctors. (They might even explain that we all have both ‘male’ and ‘female’ hormones and how those hormones determine sex in embryonic development.) How do you bring random guesses in line with something she admits to be understanding anyway? (Yeah, understanding is just another way of knowing which in turn is just making shit up.) I’m assuming she’s aware that Tatchell is talking about healthcare since the word’s right there above her post, though that’s not obvious. Tatchell is still not not right but at least he’s the coherent one in this conversation and is talking about something that actually matters.
Are people with cancer being denied treatment because of trans ideology? Now there’s a right that could legitimately be fought for, but why should we assume this is happening? Are there incidents to support this insinuation?
And Sally — “…‘biological sex’ does change. That’s what hormones do. Also we don’t really know another’s ‘biology’ – or even our own.” — Then how would we know biological sex changes?
“We just make random guesses…” — You don’t say.
Wow. Tatchell’s really straying from the playbook, isn’t he? The “totally valid” changing of gender identity he plops in the middle comes across as a hurried, apologetic afterthought, given the “essentialist” importance he’s placing on (Butterworth gasp) biological sex. The none-too-sub subtext is that “transmen” are actually women and “transwomen” are really men, and that they require the appropriate medical treatment for their sex. No pap smears for TiMs! He’s so close to becoming a transphobe that a few more poorly worded (i.e. accurate) tweets will make him persona less grata. Next he’ll be saying that only women have cervixes! Hello Rosie Duffield! Maybe that whole repetition of TWAW thing he’s been doing is to convince himself. He’s not going to fool the True Believers, who’ve pilloried others for statements even more innocuous than this. Of course, Tatchell’s a man; the harshest punishments are reserved for women. He should know; he’s helped to mete them out. I wonder if he’s trying to extricate himself, slowly backing away from the madness in order to claim he was never a part of it?
As for Sally Hines, the fact that she exists at all is the result of her parents’ own lucky, random guesswork. She should look into the possibly preternatural abilities of her mother and father to find the appropriately fertile partner, or at least determine exactly which reductive framework of understanding they were using when they chanced upon each other. If that’s how all this works, then it’s a wonder that we’ve managed to produce eight billion of us. That’s a lot of lucky random guesses. The game must be rigged. So what’s the deal? Loaded dice? Marked cards? Card counting? Magnets? She’s not really the best advertisement for the intellectual rigour to be found in her field of sociology, is she? Or, maybe she is.
Sociology is superior to the hard sciences, everyone knows that. :P
…”biological sex does change” AND “we really don’t know another’s ‘biology’.”
These people are fucking crazy. Over and out.
I’m beginning to wonder if those amongst the trans-and-fans who happen to have at least some understanding of science are starting to realise that their ‘biological’ argument isn’t fooling anyone, so they’re falling back on the ‘validity of identity’ instead. The ‘TWAW/TMAM’ chant isn’t as effective as they hoped, so now it’s back to pretending that ‘cis’ and ‘trans’ are merely equal sub-categories of woman/man.
Do you really have to know much biology? I suppose it takes a lot of formal education to obfuscate relatively basic biological facts. Maybe a degree in sociology helps.
Apparently she went to the Dr. Spaceman School of Medicine. “We have no way of knowing where the heart is. See, every human is different.”
Tatchell acknowledges biology? I’m surprised Hines didn’t accuse him of Nazism.
Well, John, I suspect his years of toadying will not be enough to shield him from the Wrath of Trans over this.