Purple latex and a surprise

The Daily Mail tells us:

A lesbian speed-dating event is at the centre of a transphobia row after the organiser insisted that only ‘adult human females’ can attend. It follows outrage from attendees at the popular weekly £15-a-head event, held in Bloomsbury in London, after trans women tried to join. 

Lesbian means lesbian; it doesn’t mean man playing pretend-lesbian.

Last week, Jenny Watson, a town planner who runs the nights, posted on her website: ‘If you are male, please refrain from coming to the events, you are not a lesbian.’ 

Ms Watson told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Last year, a person turned up sporting a purple latex outfit… and an erection. Another time, a trans woman came into the female toilet and pushed their body at a woman who was upset and told me after. It got me thinking that this isn’t fair on women.’

Ms Watson, 31, added: ‘Transgender individuals deserve respect. But there is a need for protection of sex-segregated spaces for lesbian women.’

I’m not sure transgender people do particularly deserve respect. Forbearance, maybe, but respect, not so much. They’ve fallen for a ridiculous fad which is at least as silly as religion. I don’t have a lot of respect for credulity, especially when it’s accompanied by bullying and shunning.

Members of an activists’ group reported Jenny to her London council employers as transphobic for insisting on social media that only ‘adult human females’ should attend and ‘lesbians don’t have penises’. 

An inquiry into the get-togethers was last night under way by Stonegate Group, the owners of the College Arms, the pub where the event is held.

Another reason not to respect trans people: this refusal to just leave women alone.

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