Proud to insult women

Men who pretend to be women are so INSPIRING.

Diana Sarosi is Director of Policy & Campaigns at Oxfam Canada. She retweeted Oxfam Canada’s obnoxious tweet about celebrating “the diversity of all identities” with an even more obnoxious version of “trans women are BETTER than women” bit of drivel.

I’m proud to work for an organization that is trans inclusive and has the superb @FaeJohnstone on our board! Her courage and determination inspires us all to fight even harder for the rights of all women.

Or to put it another way, “Fuck you, women.”

We’re supposed to be impressed and deeply moved by Fay Johnstone’s “courage and determination” to shove women aside and take center stage himself. We’re not. We wouldn’t be impressed and deeply moved if a white person tried to take center stage in an anti-racism organization. We wouldn’t be impressed and deeply moved if a plutocrat tried to take center stage in a labor union. We wouldn’t be impressed and deeply moved if a WASP tried to take center stage in a Native American organization. There is nothing impressive or moving about people who have the upper hand trying to steal the spotlight from people who are stuck with the lower hand. Nothing.

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