Uterus transplants for transgender women will soon be possible, doctors say.
So what? It’s possible to cut people’s heads off, but it’s not desirable. Sticking a uterus in a man is not desirable. Human beings have more urgent things to do at this time.
Several teams are “actively working” to make uterus transplants for transgender women a reality, according to an article published in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility, with the first such procedure likely to happen “within the next few years, if not sooner.”
Why stop there? Why not transplant zebra legs onto humans? Why not transplant dog tails onto sharks? Why not remake The Fly?

If the anatomical challenges in transgender women can be overcome — and surgeons have said none seem insurmountable — uterus transplants would make it possible for trans women to gestate and give birth to a child.
Never mind global warming, never mind pandemics, never mind droughts and famines and wildfires, never mind poverty and exploitation and rape and genocide, let’s use our intelligence and resources making it possible for men to gestate frankenbabies.
I suppose it’s easier, “sexier”, and less useful than artificial wombs so of course that’s what they’ll do…
It seems to me that it is the most ridiculous pandering to deluded men to suggest that anyone is seriously working on this with a view to getting it to work, when they can’t even make wombs work in women all the time. As a transplanted organ? Not a hope.
OK, so some transplanted organs work reasonably well – given the recipient has to go on anti-rejection medication for (a much-shorter than normal) life. But a uterus is more than a cradle for a baby. Much, much more. The woman’s entire body changes to accommodate a fœtus and not reject it as a parasite. The interplay of hormones between various glands and the immune system and the ovaries and uterus are still not understood, hence the difficulty of fixing infertility in women; so there is zero chance of getting them exactly right in a man.
And are they expecting “donors” (i.e. women) to line up to make this possible at all?
It would be nice if medicine put the basic, routine treatment and care of regular, non-delusional women at least a bit ahead of the “uteri for men” project. Seems to me there’s a couple of hundred years of catching up to do to make up for the era when men were the standard, and women were nothing but the quaint, curious backwater of aberrant cases that weren’t really that important or interesting.
ynnb: The Chinese government has excellent experience with volunteers for organ transplants. Maybe we can use their expertise. /sarc
What are the “pro-lifers” going to be doing while hundreds if not thousands of fertilized eggs are destroyed by the experiments trying to make this happen? What happens IF it ever progresses even to the point that the fetuses are dying at 3 or 4 months along? What if the fetus almost hits full term and then dies and the doctors say “well, maybe the next one” and start another fertilized egg down the path?
My guess would be a return to the days of bombing clinics and shooting doctors. Even those who might grit their teeth and agree to let rape/incest survivors get abortions if the rest of the abortions can be outlawed are NOT going to be OK with creating fetuses and then losing fetuses for the egos of these men. Just saying.
@ Southwest88 #6
They’ll be bombing the fertility clinics and major hospitals — I can’t imagine transplant surgery being performed in a clinic — as well as abortion providers. And then what happens when the fetus in the transplanted uterus causes conditions that would require an abortion? Which such pregnancy wouldn’t require an abortion? Where in a man’s abdominal cavity is there room for an extra organ (bunch of organs) plus pregnancy growth?
This is never going to happen. It’s all just grist for the TWAW mill.
There’s no abstract of that article. All we’ve been given is the title. No information on what experiments have been carried out, it’s all just hypotheticals from the journalist.
But it’s not just the Uterus, there’s a whole lot of plumbing required, as well as finding space.
Male bodies have evolved to fill that space so about the only location for a womb transplant to a TIM would be the vacant space between the ears.
There is an article from 2018 from the NIH indicating medical expert thoughts on the matter.
There is a 2022 article from the Daily Mirror claiming an Indian doctor plans to perform such an operation using an organ “taken from a dead donor or from another woman who decided to become a man and had their wombs removed in the process”.
So…. We have a woman who wants to be a man, and also a man who wants to become a woman. No need to buggerise round with internal organs. Swap-over head transplants will be far easier, quicker, and mutually satisfying. What could possibly go wrong.?
Oh, Omar, that would solve everything!
The question has been asked in earnest, and even tested, because of course it has… I offer you “The history of head transplantation: a review”:
With a warning that no, that is not a read for the squeamish. The review includes fairly detailed descriptions along with photographs and diagrams reprinted from the original articles. Here’s the relatively dry abstract for anyone wanting the gist without the gory details:
Take that, Reggie, you closed-minded ignoramous!
– Loretta
Also, back in 1954, Soviet scientists grafted the head and upper body of a puppy onto a fully-grown dog. That combo survived 29 days.
I haven’t had time to read it yet, but the full article is freely available on the website of the journal in which it appears.
Thanks for the link, NightCrow.
It’s just a bunch of hypotheticals and statements that the doctors would just wing it. Still no answer as to where the uterus is going to go, and how they’re going to get a male body to produce the hormones necessary to gestate a baby. No discussion of any experiments carried out.
Mary Shelley is turning in her grave.
Omar, I think it would make more sense to just transplant male brains into women’s bodies. (No sense at all in either case.)
I don’t even see how the anti-rejection drugs could work. The blood of pregnant women is dangerous to men, even blood that is transfused from a woman who has been pregnant in the past creates a 13% greater risk of death to males than from either a man or a woman who’s never been pregnant.
I gave blood last weekend, and of course the Memorial Blood Center offers the option to enter identity rather than sex. I am sure that there must be some non-public field in ttheir database that tracks the sex of the donor, especially since crossing sex in some critical situations could lead to an increased morbidity risk for the recipient.
And that’s just one consideration where sex matters. How many potential hormonal or endocrinal elements, how many other reproductive organs would have to be modified or transplanted in order to achieve this goal of males carrying babies? Where would the arterial supply to the placenta be routed from the man’s blood supply?
A womb is not a self-contained unit, it’s a part of a whole body. A GRC doesn’t change any of that.
Rev @9,
Well, it worked for Zeus.
Somewhere in the last couple of years, I saw a report of a ‘pioneer’ transwoman in Germany who died after an attempted uterus transplant. Sometime around 1930.
I follow this blog in large part for the lucid and intelligent commentary. But this time I am disappointed in all of you for your lack of vision and imagination.
Don’t you see the ultimate solution?
Whack off the penis but keep the testes and the internal male plumbing. Implant the uterus and female plumbing. Join up the female plumbing with the male plumbing. Voilà! Human autogamy and a genuinely non-binary person!
Try to do better next time, people.
Uterus transplants have already been performed successfully, with multiple children born as a result. But there is a notable caveat: this is not a surgery performed to save life. It is not even a surgery for maintaining / restoring lost quality of life. A woman can go through life in happiness without ever being pregnant, to say nothing of us men. This is pure wish fulfilment, and so will almost certainly not be provided for on any insurance policy.
A whack implant! Problem solved!
Here’s one delightful passage from the article:
Oh who cares; onward!
@21 I think you’re referring to ‘Lili’ Elbe?
There was a movie:
I say if they want to go fuck themselves, who are we to stop them? It’s theoretically (but only speculatively) possible — Save some sperm, do the trans thing, get a uterus implanted, and voila!
Lest we forget about the genetic disorders that occur with inbreeding, that could be problematic (oopsie).
It’s a horror show at best.
twiliter, inbreeding? I don’t see how that can result from this. If the trans woman is the genetic father of the child, the egg still has to come from a different person, presumably not a close relative.
If they have their own female parts? Freeze some sperm and impregnate yourself later?
But yeah, it’s not very likely in any event.
twiliter, they have someone else’s female parts.
From that 2018 NIH paper:
So, a uterus and associated anatomy. Not ovaries. So no means of getting pregnant other than implantation.
But even if they were talking about transplanting ovaries, they are someone else’s ovaries, someone else’s eggs.
The tangent brings to mind the prohibition against incest, and whether that applies to step-siblings, or to same-sex couples. I don’t know.
You both are right of course. My disbelief in the whole prospect makes me facetious. It’s just astounding to me that people are willing to perform medical experimentations to solve nonexistent physical problems. I think complications are certain, life threatening, and mind boggling. It raises innumerable ethical questions.
Emphasis added.
There’s a world of horror right there.
As much as I believe in The Big Nothing, I still like the idea of a special hell reserved for people like that.
Okay, uterus transplant. What about…placenta? Umbilical cord? With implantation, you don’t need ovaries or fallopian tubes, but will the implanted uterus be able to generate all the structures needed to gestate a baby? Somehow, I suspect not. Maye in a female, yeah, because their bodies do that. But a male body?
Seems like we’re going to need a lot more transplants here.